Admission Management System
Student admission management software module includes many admission
management features like Registration Entry, Admission Entry, Enrollment no.
assignment, Roll no. assignment and Section assignment. Student admission
management software module includes many admission reports like fee Structure
report, semester wise subjects report, payment/ Receipt Report, teacher Register
and Employee ID card.
The Main Features of this application are:
❖ Pre-Admission
❖ Enrollment no. assignment.
❖ Accept / Reject student admissions
❖ Manage registration and entire admission process of the students for each
academic year
Create User:
Admin can create the New Users by giving new User ID, Password. After
Successful creation of the New User admin can issue the New User ID and Password
to particular user, by using these details user can access the application.
Change Password:
By using this option user can Change the password by user, who was logged
in to the application. In which user can reset his/her new password by giving old and
new passwords.
Select Financial Year:
By using this option user can Select Academic Year for which particular
academic year user is doing transaction like 2012-2013, 213-2014 etc...
Lock Database:
By using this option user can lock the data-base by specifying lock date. After
locking the database user cannot perform any transactions on database below
specified lock date.
These can be used to sale the application.
Registration and Admission: By using this form User can register the student and give the admission for
particular student who ever register for the admission. And also give the admission
for existing students.
Accept Admissions: This form can be used to accept student admission and also on acceptance of
admission process, automatic transfer of details of the student to school register
and school records without any paper work.
Reject Admissions: These can be used to track the admission reject list of students based on the
rejection criteria.
Reports: The following reports will be generated from the application
❖ Sale of application list
❖ Total admission and reject student list
❖ Generate customized reports to get statistics of student admission
❖ Category wise report generation