Employee Information System
This project deals with each and every moment of the employee from the date of joining
in to the service till the date of retirement from the service like transfers, promotions,
leave utilization, LTC utilization. All employees’ information can be accessed from this
project any time.
Main features of this project are:
❖ Employee Personal Information
❖ First Posting
❖ Pay Fixation
❖ Automatic Advancement Scheme
❖ Yearly Increment
❖ Transfers
❖ Promotions
❖ Leave Account
❖ Loans and Advances
❖ Retirement Benefits
Personal Information:
This form is used to add a new employee to the project.
Here user has to enter the information like name, date of birth, spouse name,
education qualification, address, join date and time in department etc. Then
automatically employee id will be generated.
First Posting:
Here user has to enter the details like post-type, designation, pay
scale, working section etc...
Pay Fixation:
When the user clicks on the pay fixation option, it gives another
two options they are:
❖ Date of Increment
» Under 22 a(i)
» Under 22 b
❖ Date of Promotion
Based on the above selected options pay fixation will be done and appropriate
reports will be generated.
Automatic Advancement Scheme:
When the user clicks on this option, it gives
another three options they are:
❖ S.G (8 Years )
❖ S.P.P-I (16 Years)
❖ S.P.P-II (24 Years)
Based on the above selected options pay fixation will be done and also appropriate
reports will be generated. If the employee is not eligible then an appropriate
message will be displayed.
Yearly Increment:
Whenever an employee gets increment then the user has to
select employee id and the system will automatically displays the increment amount
based on master scale. If the employee is eligible for increment then only increment
will be given otherwise appropriate message will be given.
Whenever user clicks on this option, his present post details will be
displayed and the user has to enter new details like date of transfer, section etc.
Based on the given details an appropriate report will be generated.
Whenever user clicks on this option, his present post details will be
displayed and the user has to enter new post details like date of promotion,
designation, basic pay etc. Based on the given details an appropriate report will be
Leave Account:Whenever user clicks on this option, it will display different types
of leaves they are:
❖ Earned Leaves(EL)
❖ Half - Pay Leaves(HPL)
❖ Maternity Leaves
❖ Paternity Leaves
❖ Study Leaves
❖ Surrender Leaves
❖ Extra Ordinary Leaves(EOL)
❖ Special Casual Leave
❖ Casual Leave(CL)
❖ Optional Leave(OL)
❖ Compensatory Casual Leave (CCL)
Based on the selected leave type different forms will be displayed, in these forms
user has to enter information like leave from date, leave to date, applied date etc.
Based on the given information appropriate days will be deducted from his particular
leave account and their appropriate reports will be generated. If the employee is
not eligible for particular leave then an error message will be shown to the user.
Loans and Advances:
Whenever user clicks on this option, different types of loans
will be displayed they are:
❖ Cycle
❖ Motor Cycle
❖ Motor Car
❖ Computer
❖ Marriage
❖ House Building Advance (HBA)
Based on the selected option user has to enter information like loan amount, no. of
installments, and applied date etc. Based on the entered information it will calculate
monthly installment amounts, last installment date and appropriate reports will be
displayed. If the employee not eligible for particular loan then an error message will
be shown to the user.